

The challenges

As one of the most dynamic user-driven marketplaces on the planet, eBay feels a constitutional duty to invest in making a positive difference in the world. eBay Social Ventures is one way the company answers this call, including opportunities for charitable transactions with eBay Giving Works / eBay For Charity, as well as forward-thinking sustainability micro-site eBay Green, which offers education on eco-friendly home retrofits and touts the virtues (and deals) of an environmentally friendly lifestyle.

The projects

My involvement at eBay touched three areas: eBay Careers, eBay Giving Works / eBay For Charity, and eBay Green. I designed a new eBay For Charity logo to better match the current eBay corporate identity and developed in-product features to drive charitable engagement.
Next, I worked with the eBay Green team to conduct user research and strategic consulting to set the direction for the evolution of their product. Finally, I joined forces with the eBay Careers team to aid them in organizing the opportunities at eBay for career searchers and streamline the application flow.






Charitable sellers on eBay score +14 points on the Net Promoter Score (NPS) metric, 38% higher seller conversion vs. non-charitable listings for low-feedback (new) sellers, experience a 2.5x lower seller churn rate vs. non-charitable sellers, and 20x more funds raised per impression. I was tasked with modernizing the eBay Giving Works brand and made eBay Social Ventures more successful through a series of high-impact projects with significant impact on key metrics.

eBay Careers Website

eBay Careers

Lead UX Designer
Jack Reis
